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The School of Feminist Studies of Cali ESFEMICA is a foundation oriented towards theoretical and political training, critical analysis, intervention and feminist social research, and empowerment processes for girls and women.


Contribute to the construction of a fair and dignified world for women, promoting the creation of an equitable, violence-free, non-sexist and anti-species culture for the peaceful, democratic and sustainable coexistence of human society and other forms of life.



Thesocial objectof the School of Feminist Studies Foundation of Cali ESFEMICA is social welfare, human development and social, educational, pedagogical and research work oriented (from an academic, theoretical, political, popular and psycho-social perspective) to the empowerment of women , communities and territories, through gender equity, the strengthening of knowledge about feminism, equality between the sexes, the construction of peace and reconciliation, social and territorial development and the advancement of Social Sciences and Humanities.

The missionof the School of Feminist Studies Foundation of Cali ESFEMICA is to design, execute, advise, accompany and evaluate processes and projects of social intervention, research, community development and feminist training of women (girls, young people, adults and older adults), communities, sectors populations and territories of Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia and the world, consolidating the approaches: a) Critical of gender and equality between the sexes, b) Intersectional and differential approaches, c) Politicizing and d) of the Strategic Interests of women; with the purpose of contributing to feminist emancipation, equality between the sexes, gender equity, the construction of peace and reconciliation, social and territorial development and the advancement of social sciences.

Our visionis that in 5 years, the Fundación Escuela de Estudios Feministas Cali, ESFEMICA, will be recognized locally and nationally as a school that builds, democratizes, trains and accompanies processes of empowerment of women in the diversity of the territories of Cali and Valle del Cauca , consolidating the approaches: Critical of gender and equality between the sexes, Intersectional and differential approaches, Politicizing and the Strategic Interests of Women.

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